Human Design

For those of you out there who have not had the opportunity to play with Human Design, you are in for a real treat.

Human Design can be described as a guidebook or operating system for humans.

How we are wired, how we best get our energy, how we navigate our way through life. There are great rewards to operating aligned with our authentic nature.

We are conditioned in life to think, feel and behave in certain ways and these are not necessarily the best ways for us to operate.

This system adds so much juice to that and is really accessible to all.  It can be used and learned at a fundamental level by anyone, a useful tool in everyday life. Or you could study it in depth – there is so much to Human Design.

Sample Human Design Bodygraph

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Human Design Unpack

Your unpack is a one hour 1:1 session with Mags and/or Kath where we teach you about your design, type and authority and how you can use this to create in your life. The presentation can be via Zoom or in person. Cost $120.

You will receive a copy of your Human Design Chart (bodygraph), the presentation and a recording of the session for review.

Email Mags and Kath about a Human Design Unpack here

As part of the Spark Meditation Course, a Human Design Unpack is included. We use this information as part of the course. You will get to share with other like-minded souls about your design, and learn from their experiments in design as well.

Email Mags and Kath about Spark here

Human Design is like a guidebook to how you are wired, how you source your energy and how you create flow and ease in your life.