F.M.O. 6th May 2023

This month we invited all to set an intention for this full moon. Whether you could make the Zoom live or listen to the recording. Our intention was to bring in a process/energetic clearing for the group. The theme was “no agenda, just love”. That is, sit in the uncomfortableness of nothing to do, feeling a little lost, or even feeling like you need to push through and fill a space of time that has become available to you. I wonder if you’ve noticed that over the past few days? Maybe life has felt like it has been lacking purpose. We invite you to come back into orientation.

Mags took us through a lovely meditation that brought the light of a beautiful sunrise into the G-centre. Giving us loving direction. Bergamot essential oil themes - “self acceptance is my refusal to be an adversarial relationship to myself.”

Sunrise@ Jebbribillum (Little Burleigh, Gold Coast)

“You have been there for everyone else, but have you thought about yourself today? It is good to work hard and to follow your dreams with passion, but it might be time for you to stop, recognise and enjoy your achievements” (Monica Finazzo - Oracle of the Essences)

We cleared the energy around pain, sadness and deep hurt that may be a barrier to our self love. Infusing healing through all encompassing love. Tying it off in a nice little bow, with the intention of one of our Team Spark members was self love, particularly of the physical.

“I love myself, accept myself and celebrate my own beauty.”

Perhaps a focus of meditation over next couple of days could be appreciation of your physical body and the amazing things it does, while housing your personality and energy….

Whoa - that’s what 22 minutes of focused intention can bring!


F.M.O. August 2023


F.M.O. 6th February 2023